Baja California State Legalizes Marriage for All

As soon as the results of the vote were announced, they gathered in front of the Congress of Baja California, in Mexicali, capital of this state in northwestern Mexico. On Wednesday June 16, several dozen members of the city’s LGBT community celebrated the local parliament’s decision to give citizens an “equal right to marriage”. From now on, two people of the same sex can unite legally in this region of Mexico, which has nearly 4 million inhabitants.

The joy shown by the activists is commensurate with the hope aroused by the adoption of the measure. In addition to chanting, often with tears in my eyes, the slogan “Ya es ley! ” (“C’est la loi!” In French), the demonstrators unfurled a gigantic rainbow flag, a symbol of the LGBT cause. “The deputies voted for us, praised Altagracia Tamayo Madueño, founder of the Baja California LGBT committee, in the local newspaper El Imparcial. This struggle has been a lot of effort. I am moved to achieve what I have fought for for thirty-four years. “ On its Facebook page, the committee considered that with the adoption of this measure, Baja California became “A more just and egalitarian State”. The collective also thanked ” the allies “ that the latter has within the local government.

Also read our article from 2016: Marriage for all divides Mexico

The legalization of marriage for all is the culmination of a long struggle for the LGBT community. On two occasions, members of the Congress of Baja California had revoked the measure, preventing same-sex couples in the state from marrying. This time around, a large majority of 18 parliamentarians (out of the 23 who took part in the vote) approved the bill, on the initiative of MP Julia Andrea Gonzalez, a member of the left-wing Morena party. A parliamentarian from this party, however, voted against the adoption of the measure, alongside the elected members of the National Action Party (PAN, conservative).


This recognition of the “equal right to marriage” by Baja California comes the day after a similar vote, organized Tuesday by the congress of the state of Sinaloa, also located in northwestern Mexico. This region, populated by 3 million people, has also granted homosexual couples the right to marry. The text was, here, adopted unanimously by the 23 deputies of the assembly.

These two votes, organized the same week thanks to a random calendar, participate in a process of democratization of marriage between people of the same sex in the country. Of the 32 “federative entities” (31 states, plus Mexico City, the capital) that make up the Mexican federal state, 15 recognize the right of homosexual couples to marry, including the two states which have just approved the measure. .

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