Baking bread rolls: This is a particularly quick and efficient way

Fresh bread rolls are part of breakfast for many. If you don’t want to go to the bakery for this, you can easily use pre-baked rolls. However, the oven is usually not the most efficient means of baking.

With pre-baked rolls, you can quickly and comparatively cheaply conjure up fresh baked goods on the breakfast table without having to mix a time-consuming dough or leave the house. And the preparation is more than simple: Usually a few minutes at 180 to 200 degrees in the oven are enough to bake fresh rolls almost like from the local baker.

But as convenient as baking in the oven is – the method is not particularly energy-efficient, because an active oven consumes a comparatively large amount of electricity. Especially if you only bake a few rolls, you can easily save energy and time by using an alternative.

Baking rolls: why the oven should not be the first choice

Baked rolls can also be baked on an attachment with the toaster.
Baked rolls can also be baked on an attachment with the toaster.

Photo: CHIP

You can easily use the toaster to bake rolls faster and with less energy. The buns are doing on the baking attachment placed and heated for a few minutes on both sides at a high temperature. Exactly how long the buns should lie on the attachment can vary somewhat depending on the toaster, the distance between the attachment and the heating wires and the nature of the buns (e.g. whether they are stored chilled or not). With an output of around 1,000 watts, baking the rolls with the toaster only uses around a fifth as much energy as in the oven.

Under certain circumstances, however, it can also make sense to bake rolls in the oven; For example, if you need a lot of rolls at the same time for a larger family breakfast, because even larger toasters only have very limited space. However, especially for small quantities, the toaster is the faster, more energy-efficient and therefore cheaper alternative.

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