Baking rack or baking tray: This is how you know what guarantees the best result in the oven

Baking rack or baking tray?
This way you can see what will guarantee you the best result in the oven

Would you rather bake cookies on a tray or on a rack? You can find out the answer in the video!

Bake, bake cakes – yes, but in what actually? Many hobby bakers ask themselves this question when it comes to choosing the right baking accessories. The video contains the best tips for choosing between a baking rack, baking tray, etc.

Metal sheet, baking dish or directly on the grid? Don’t you ever know exactly which baking utensil is best to use to put your baked goods in the oven? It actually matters what you choose to take into account the specific needs of each piece of baking.

Baking rack or baking tray? What now?

This decision depends on various factors, because every baked product has different requirements and a cake needs different support in the oven than a pizza. In the video we give you a good overview of what accessories your favorite treats need and have even provided you with a bonus tip as a reminder for your future baking fun!

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