Baldur’s Gate 3 could lead Larian to disaster but…

After the critical and commercial success of Baldur’s Gate 3, Larian Studios has enormous pressure on its shoulders. But the CEO has the solution to escape any catastrophe.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most important video games of recent years. An episode which allowed the franchise not to lose its letters of nobility, quite the contrary. The license will remain in the pantheon of RPGs and the latest title is the perfect example. An ultra generous opus, with multiple possibilities, which exudes a passion for doing good and which has won the hearts of role-playing game fans. How to do better or at least as good as BG3? By putting it aside completely.

Larian Studios is under pressure after Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 4 will be made without Larian Studios, but it will still be made. When and by whom? Hasbro and Wizard of the Coast are currently scrutinizing the candidates. Despite this legitimate abandonment of the project, the developers not having the immediate desire to return to the saga, the Belgian teams are not going to sit around twiddling their thumbs. Two very ambitious RPGs are currently in development and will therefore follow Baldur’s Gate 3. And given the immense critical and commercial success, and the studio’s track record with gems like Divinity Original Sin 2, there is undeniable pressure.

This is the other side of the coin encountered by all structures at this level. For Swen Vicke, the boss of Larian Studios, this pressure must be put aside. We must not rehash the success of Baldur’s Gate 3 over and over, at the risk of losing sight of its objectives. “There was a moment when we felt incredible pressure. And then I said, “Guys, forget about it, okay? “We’re just going to make a game again, and we’re going to focus on that.”.

The two new upcoming RPGs must forget everything to succeed

But Swen Vincke is perfectly aware of what awaits the teams, but according to him, letting this pressure take over will not lead to anything good. It could even have the opposite effect and be a disaster. To do what Larian Studios knows how to do, which is great RPGs, they need to focus solely on their vision and believe in their new projects above all else.

“It’s obviously very ambitious. But if we fail to follow our instincts, because we have difficulty handling external pressures or what people will expect of us, we will never succeed. It will be a disaster. We need to focus on creating something we want to play. If we do that, then everything will be fine.” he added well (Gamesradar+).

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