Baldur’s Gate 3 details its 7th update and targets an early access release in 2023

We suspected it a little bit, it is now a certainty: version 1.0 of Baldur’s Gate 3, it will not be for this year. ” Early Access continues to be a key part of Larian’s development process, allowing the studio to improve the title through player feedback to make Baldur’s Gate 3 the best game possible. “explains the studio in the press release summarizing the information revealed during this fifth Panel from Helland continues: Larian Studios’ goal internally is to meet quality requirements rather than set a date. Considerable progress has been made towards reaching this level of quality over the past year in Early Access, but the team is aware that many players are waiting for a concrete date. That date will come when Larian is even closer to his goal, but for now, Baldur’s Gate 3 would release from early access in 2023. »

However, Larian continues to water its title in substantial updates, including the latest, titled Absolute Frenzy, introduces a new class: the Barbarian. A newcomer that the studio also describes with humor, as usual: ” Ruthless in battle, fueled by the fury of nature and radiating an energy of chaos stronger than a thousand reality TV stars combined “. A class that will be subdivided into two variants: the Wildheart Barbarian, who will receive combat abilities depending on the Bestial Heart chosen; and the Berserker Barbarian, drawing strength from his indomitable anger and able to use the skills Enraged Projection and Frenzied Attack. As the name suggests, the first involves knocking the enemy to the ground, dealing extra damage and temporarily pinning them down, while the second allows the Barbarian to attack twice using a bonus action, such as the Improvised Weapons skill.

A skill illustrated in the video below and consisting of grabbing just about anything – table, chair, rock and even a passing goblin – to swing it at the opponent’s head. Finally, this update introduces new throwing weapons, a complete overhaul of the interface, exploration and infiltration improvements, new loot magic and embellished cutscenes. You can find the complete list of new features and improvements at this address.

  • Also Read | Gautoz opens the doors to Baldur’s Gate III (in early access)

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