Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released on Xbox Series X|S in a month, almost to the day

Maxence Glineur

November 5, 2023 at 10:00 p.m.


Baldur's Gate 3 © Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 was very popular with PC and PS5 players, and it should be the same for Xbox players © Larian Studios

The RPG acclaimed by players and critics will indeed arrive on Microsoft consoles in 2023, and perhaps even before the end of year holidays.

Larian Studios promised us without specifying a date: Baldur’s Gate 3 will not be confined to computers or the PS5. However, released at the beginning of August on PC and a month later on the Sony console, the game is still desired on other platforms, and in particular on Xbox.

So, can Starfield finally be put away for Christmas? If you take it with a grain of salt, the answer is…

Yes, Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox, it’s coming (very) soon

When it comes to the release of a video game, nothing is really certain until you install it on your machine. It will be the same for the RPG from Larian Studios on Xbox, until the last moment. However, a certain eXtas1s, via the site eXputgives us new information regarding the schedule for this port, which is still in the playtest phase.

Baldur’s Gate 3 could, in fact, arrive on the Microsoft console on December 6. In any case, this is the deadline that its developers would have set for themselves, and surely for a very good reason: it is the day before the Game Awards 2023 ceremony. The game could be the big favorite in several categories, so why not take advantage of it and make it available on a new console at the same time?

Baldur's Gate 3 © © Larian Studios

Warm up your Xbox and your controllers, Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming at high speed © Larian Studios

A nice gift, just before Christmas

This information fully fits with the vague timeline provided by Larian Studios so far, so it seems quite credible. Especially since eXtas1s is not at its first attempt, because it had already been quite precise on this type of rumor, notably with the release of Forza Motorsport.

In any case, the RPG seems on track to arrive very quickly on Xbox, and we are almost sure that it will be under the Christmas tree of console owners. However, as a reminder, everything will not be perfect from the start: if cross-save should be there, this will not be the case for splitscreen on Xbox Series S, at least initially.


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Baldur’s Gate 3

  • Epic and captivating story driven by our choices
  • Superb artistic direction
  • Gameplay offering freedom rarely seen

Unlike the sprawling adventure that will lead us to the legendary city from which the game takes its name, let’s not beat around the bush: Baldur’s Gate III is a true masterpiece. The independents from Larian Studios, to whom we already owe one of the best C-RPGs of all time with Divinity: Original Sin IIbrilliantly take up the torch of this cult license from Bioware which gave the genre its nobility.

Everything in Baldur’s Gate III breathe the love of the universe Dungeons & Dragons and the desire to make us experience an epic, exciting and truly unique story. From the creation of our character to a climactic finale, Larian Studios offers us writing full of nuances with rare accuracy. But, it is we the players, who over the course of dozens of hours of pleasure ultimately hold the pen of our own story via often difficult choices.

The generosity of Baldur’s Gate III is literally seen in every corner of a vast world, full of places to explore, captivating characters to meet and fights that continue to increase in complexity and panache, all with a freedom of approach that is truly dizzying, almost making us forget that it is not a part of Dungeons & Dragons classic. Even after finishing the adventure with your breath taken away, you only ask one thing: to return, despite a sometimes uncooperative interface and the abandonment of any form of social life. The mark of great games, in short.

There will certainly be a before and an after Baldur’s Gate III, for the C-RPG genre which has its new best representative, but also in the capacity for an independent studio to give a real lesson in what a job well done is, even to the giants of the industry. Larian Studios simply delivers a performance worthy of the highest praise. Thank you to the teams behind the game for this invaluable gift, and congratulations for this absolutely deserved critical and commercial success.

Unlike the sprawling adventure that will lead us to the legendary city from which the game takes its name, let’s not beat around the bush: Baldur’s Gate III is a true masterpiece. The independents from Larian Studios, to whom we already owe one of the best C-RPGs of all time with Divinity: Original Sin IIbrilliantly take up the torch of this cult license from Bioware which gave the genre its nobility.

Everything in Baldur’s Gate III breathe the love of the universe Dungeons & Dragons and the desire to make us experience an epic, exciting and truly unique story. From the creation of our character to a climactic finale, Larian Studios offers us writing full of nuances with rare accuracy. But, it is we the players, who over the course of dozens of hours of pleasure ultimately hold the pen of our own story via often difficult choices.

The generosity of Baldur’s Gate III is literally seen in every corner of a vast world, full of places to explore, captivating characters to meet and fights that continue to increase in complexity and panache, all with a freedom of approach that is truly dizzying, almost making us forget that it is not a part of Dungeons & Dragons classic. Even after finishing the adventure with your breath taken away, you only ask one thing: to return, despite a sometimes uncooperative interface and the abandonment of any form of social life. The mark of great games, in short.

There will certainly be a before and an after Baldur’s Gate III, for the C-RPG genre which has its new best representative, but also in the capacity for an independent studio to give a real lesson in what a job well done is, even to the giants of the industry. Larian Studios simply delivers a performance worthy of the highest praise. Thank you to the teams behind the game for this invaluable gift, and congratulations for this absolutely deserved critical and commercial success.

Source : Wccftech

Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

Video games

release date: 06-10-2020

See the product sheet

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