Barack Obama returns to the White House for the first time

He had not returned there since January 20, 2017, when he handed over power to Donald Trump. Barack Obama returns to the White House on Tuesday to discuss health coverage with current United States President Joe Biden.

A speech by the two presidents is expected in the evening, on the subject of the “Affordable Care Act”, better known as “Obamacare”, Barack Obama’s most emblematic reform on health insurance, in force since March 2010. Joe Biden was then Vice President. He is now seeking to improve the system and thus correct the inequalities in access to care from which many Americans suffer, and must therefore announce a series of measures to strengthen Obamacare.

The two politicians also certainly want to mark the 12th anniversary of this law, against which Donald Trump fought throughout his term, in vain. Joe Biden and Barack Obama have “a shared belief that the (federal) government can serve Americans,” said Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the White House.

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Joe Biden and Barack Obama are also playing on their good relationship to seduce the people. “They are real friends, not just Washington friends,” Jen Psaki added. This meeting between the two Democrats, however, takes on the air of a communication operation, while Joe Biden’s popularity is at half mast and Barack Obama is a figure of authority and wisdom within his party.

With international news, the American president is struggling to mobilize around his program. Yet he came to power with huge ambitions for social reform, many of which fell through due to opposition from Republicans but also lack of support within his own camp.

“The cost of living is people’s biggest concern, and health care is at the top of the list,” said David Axelrod, who was Mr. Obama’s top policy adviser, reports The Washington Post. “If you want to draw attention to this issue, having Obama come back for the first time in a year and a half to the White House to talk about what they’ve done together, and what he’s trying to do, is a good strategic move.”

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