Barbara Köhler: German poet was 61 years old

Barbara Koehler
German poet was 61 years old

Barbara Köhler at an event in Berlin

© imago images / gezett

The German poet Barbara Köhler has died. The Kunststiftung NRW announced this in an obituary.

Barbara Köhler (1959-2021) is dead. The German poet, essayist, translator and artist died on January 8th "after a long and patient suffering". This emerges from an obituary by the Kunststiftung NRW, Edition Korrespondenzen, Lilienfeld Verlag, Galerie m in Bochum and the DKM Museum in Duisburg, which was published by the trade magazine "Börsenblatt".

Important voice "fell silent too soon"

One of the "important voices of the German-language word art" was thus "silent too early". Köhler was born in Burgstädt in 1959, grew up in Penig, Saxony, and has lived in Duisburg since the 1990s. In 1991 she published her first volume of poetry, "German Roulette". She has been awarded the Clemens Brentano Prize (1996), the Joachim Ringelnatz Prize (2008) and the Peter Huchel Prize (2016), among others.

In the obituary it goes on to say that her work, "as she was as a person: modest in the personal, sensitive in the aesthetic, steadfast in the matter, but peace-loving in the spirit, in a playful way highly learned and last but not least, sympathetically humorous". They will be missed.
