Basketball: Steve Kerr named coach of the American selection

Steve Kerr will replace Gregg Popovich at the head of the American selection. Coach of the Golden State Warriors since 2014, Kerr was already an assistant during the last Olympic campaign in Tokyo.

This Monday, December 20, the American basketball federation (USAB) formalized the appointment. “When I got the call, I got chills. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I can’t wait to work with all of these guys, ”said the new coach.

A succession which appears logical since Steve Kerr was principal assistant of Gregg Popovich during the last international campaigns, and in particular during the Olympic Games in Tokyo last summer. During this competition, the United States won the Olympic medal against the France team.

For Grant Hill, former NBA player and manager of Team USA, the choice of Steve Kerr was obvious: “His insight from a basketball point of view, his ability to connect with people, his understanding and respect for the game. international, added to a number of other factors, all of this certainly played a role in the designation process. As more people I spoke to and as I considered it, he was the perfect candidate. His experiences so rich, including at the international level, I think that made him stand out. “

With this formalization, Steve Kerr has already confided who will be his assistants: Erik Spoelstra (Miami Heat), Monty Williams (Phoenix Suns) and Mark Few (Gonzaga Bulldogs in NCAA).

Triple NBA champion as coach of the Warriors and 5 times as a player, Steve Kerr will be at the head of the American selection until the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024.

In the meantime, Steve Kerr will have an international competition to get his hands on the exercise since in 2023 the World Cup will be held in Indonesia, Japan and the Philippines. The opportunity to reflect on your rotations and create automatisms.

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