Batgirl: seriously injured on set, an extra files a complaint against the production of the canceled DC film

Despite its cancellation by Warner, the Batgirl film continues to be talked about. Latest case to date: the complaint of an extra who suffered a serious accident during the filming of the cursed feature film about the superheroine.

Canceled a year ago while it was in full post-production by Warner Bros. studios, the Batgirl film sadly continues to be talked about. The director duo Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah (Bad Boys For Life) shared their dismay with DC fans, who were nevertheless hoping for some kind of version director’s cuteven in a few years, as was the case for the Snyder Cut of Justice League.

But that is not likely to happen any time soon, especially since the directors have been deprived of their images, confiscated by Warner and DC! Since this cancellation of the film, which cost 90 million dollars, a few test screenings took place and a few videos leaked, and then nothing.

Some actors from the feature film spoke, such as Brendan Fraser, who played Garfield Lynns / Firefly, or even Michael Keaton, who once again slipped into the skin of Bruce Wayne / Batman.

A complaint against the production of Batgirl!

Today, the film starring Leslie Grace, who played Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl, returns to the forefront for a sad story. Indeed, the production of the DC feature film is the subject of a complaint coming from Cristina Stanovici, an extra who was hit by a motorcycle equipped with a camera traveling at high speed on the Scottish filming of Batgirl.

The 35-year-old told The Sun she underwent several operations for fractures to her thigh, shin, hip, pelvis and thumb following the horrific accident on set in Glasgow last year . The British tabloid shared shocking photos of the miracle worker’s scars in their article.

Cristina Stanovici was an extra in nighttime scenes filmed in Glasgow city center when she was thrown into the air due to the collision. What was supposed to be a fun experience for the young woman turned into a nightmare.

“Hearing the doctor say ‘we’ve got our fingers crossed for you’ really sends chills down your spine.”she remembers.

The surgeon even told him that it was “one of the worst cases” that he saw during his eight years in the hospital:

“It hit me on the right side and I flew through the air. I started screaming to get the attention of the paramedics because I remembered seeing an ambulance there the previous days.

I stood there for almost an hour while they checked me and stabilized me. Unfortunately, I did not lose consciousness and I was aware of everything. This memory will traumatize me forever.”

Nearly eighteen months after the accident, Cristina Stanovici still has after-effects and physical and psychological trauma from which she is having difficulty recovering:

“I still suffer every day, with every step. People might think it’s just a broken leg. But no, it’s a tragedy. Your body is destroyed and so is your mind. Many people, including me, who live this think it would have been easier if they had died.”

The former extra then called on a lawyer to sue Warner Bros and hopes, with her case, to be able to ensure that filming conditions are improved for everyone present on the set, particularly the extras.

“Even more so today, because Glasgow is increasingly being chosen as a filming location and they are calling on locals to be extras”she explains.

A report has been lodged with the Health and Safety Executive, which regulates welfare at work. A representative of the Casting Collective agency, which recruited Cristina, sent a press release in which he wished Cristina a good recovery, without expressing himself further:

“As the matters are in the hands of his attorneys and receiving attention from the studio involved, it is not appropriate for us to comment further.”

For the moment, Warner Bros has not yet reacted to the affair which should take its course and perhaps even engage the studio in a lawsuit if Cristina Stanovici decides to continue her efforts.

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