“Battle of the Reality Stars”: Two stars have to go after a fight

In episode six, two celebrities have to leave the “Battle of the Reality Stars” after a fight. Spoiler: They’re not men.

The previous episode of “Battle of the Reality Stars” (Wednesdays 8:15 p.m. on RTLzwei and RTL+) ended with a nasty cliffhanger. Tanja Tischewitsch (34) and Kevin Schäfer (35), who were actually eliminated, have to decide among themselves who can stay. An unsolvable dilemma at the start of episode six. Both want to stay, both still have several bone to pick with the other stars. Kevin argues that Tanja has a permanent job, but he doesn’t. Plus, she’s already been to the jungle camp, he’s only been to “Prince Charming.” Only when the director puts pressure on the two celebrities who are friends does Tanja, being the smarter one, give in and send the crying Kevin back.

Kevin returns like an avenging angel with a champagne bottle. He unforgivingly asks everyone who wanted to throw him out to have a one-on-one interview. They actually start dancing, some half-heartedly crawl, others – like Maurice – don’t let themselves be deterred.

Gisele Oppermann (36) and Colleen Schneider (28), who together threw Tanja out in the last episode, are now tearing themselves apart. Or rather, Gisele is tearing Colleen apart. She blatantly doesn’t remember Coleen’s name and calls her a “little boring girl”. Colleen initially appears unmoved, but cries in the individual interview. It’s not just Maurice Dziwak (25) who is rightly horrified by Gisele. The former “GNTM” candidate is isolated, only Elsa Latifaj (19) sticks by her.

Twin vertebrae in the sala

The newcomers lighten the mood somewhat. First, Chris Manazidis (37), face-tattooed YouTuber, washes up. He has a shared past with Lilo von Kiesewetter (68) on “Celebrity Big Brother”, even if she doesn’t remember him at first. At “Celebrity BB” he was rowdy, now purified.

Then a red-haired woman comes who introduces herself as Heidi. None of the candidates remember her. Heidi Kapuste (57) is part of the super twins with her sister Heike Guderian (of course also 57). They have a different last name because of a double wedding, but otherwise they do everything together. They became “known” through a poster advertisement for the Hamburg beer brand Astra. This is even too obscure for the participants, who are actually surprisingly well-informed about celebrities.

But the makers of “Battle of the Reality Stars” hired Heidi precisely because of her lack of visibility. Because she and Heike are supposed to be kidding the celebrities. They take turns in the sala without revealing this to their colleagues. Not an easy mission, especially when Heike mentions her name in conversations with herself – but no one notices. It’s not just Gisele who doesn’t remember names. The bluff is only broken halfway through the show. The twins are now entering the race as one person.

In two teams of six, the stars have to fight for their already packed suitcases in the punishment game. Particularly perfidious: The groups play for the suitcases of the other teams. You must prevent the luggage from falling off a conveyor belt. At the same time, a puzzle must be put together. Sounds more complicated than it is. The stars save all objects except for Colleen and Elsa’s suitcases. Still, there is a penalty. The celebrities are supposed to store their belongings in backpacks that they always have to carry with them.

Aleks is allowed to hide his true face

On the “Wall of Truth” it is once again about professional honor. It’s about determining the least authentic star according to viewers. And authenticity is the most important currency in the reality business. Aleks Petrovic (32) is the least real candidate for Team Germany due to his past in various couple shows. So that he can hide his true face even better, the director covers it with a filter in the shape of a horse’s head.

For once, the “wall of truth” does not result in escalation. Instead, it arises as if from nothing. Gisele triggers the storm with erratic behavior. First she splashes water on Maurice, then, without asking, she puts a piece of bread in Calvin’s mouth. Then she becomes even more distant: she reaches into Calvin’s fanny pack to get cigarettes. Maybe she just wanted to look for the dolphin that roommate Isi Glück (33) is hiding there, according to her song. He then says in the sala that Gisele “wanted to grab his tail”. The stars are shocked, especially Calvin’s Gspusi Elsa.

Senseless escalation with severe consequences

Elsa confronts Gisele. She denies intentionally grabbing Calvin’s crown jewels, but defends herself in a way that is more rowdy than humble. When Gisele gets too close in a clumsy attempt to confront Elsa. Elsa pushes her away. Security has to intervene. Both women have to leave the show after the completely unnecessary conflict. Elsa apologizes for the physical violence. Calvin is also upset about the chain reaction he has triggered.

The show must go on. Because two more reality stars have to go, just like normal. Two celebrities can save themselves from this in the safety game. Teams of two compete against each other. One person has to solve a math problem, the other has to overcome an obstacle course with their feet tied together. In order to solve the word problem correctly, the team can give the opponents an additional handicap with which the star has to get through the course.

Colleen, a trained psychologist, attempts the most difficult task, but fails. The competitors who chose easier tasks give Colleen’s teammate Aleks two handicaps: a dinosaur costume and distortion glasses. This means that the strongest duo on paper is also the slowest. Lilo and Calvin win because they were able to compete without a handicap.

With Calvin and Lilo, two stars who were not on the hit list anyway are safe. Colleen gets hit instead. Her colleagues assist her with the least entertainment factor. Kevin, who everyone wanted to eliminate immediately at the beginning of the episode, comes through. Only Calvin steadfastly gives him his coin. Chris and the super twins send Isi, without explanation. Unlike Kevin and Tanja, there doesn’t seem to be a second chance for Colleen and Isi. And that despite the fact that two candidates were thrown out of turn.


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