Battlefield 2042: Electronic Arts unveils its plans to correct the situation

In this context, which would have been unthinkable at the time when the publisher announced an episode to us “backed by the largest development team ever assembled for a Battlefield“, producer Ryan McArthur just posted a missive on the game’s official website explaining his battle plan.”Today we confirm that our team is committed to ensuring that the game reaches the highest quality standards of the franchise.“, can we read to begin with. Suffice to say that Electronic Arts is embarking on a major redemption operation as the dialogue with the community seems broken, even if history has shown that the steepest slopes can sometimes be climbed .

But for now, this big improvement operation means postponing the first season of the game to the beginning of the summer. This will mark the start of a year of four seasons which will bring as many new Specialists, new destinations as well as new content. Those who had the good sense to purchase the Year 1 Pass as part of the Gold and Ultimate editions will receive an exclusive pack including a Specialist skin, weapon and vehicle skins, a melee weapon and a skill sheet. game, as a thank you for their patience.

This postponement will allow the developers to focus on other updates including the scoreboard, voice communication on all platforms and the player profile. The latter will offera better overview of your career on the battlefield and what you have to do to unlock a new element“, can we read.

When it comes to team play, you can expect a clearer and more concise squad loop, an improved ping system, and better rewards when you and your squad play the objective. Gunplay (weapon handling/balancing) will also continue to be improved based on your feedback.

Portal is an integral part of the game and we will continue to add tools and modes while balancing experience gains. Finally, be aware that a dedicated team analyzes and works on the Specialists. We’re not ready to talk about what we plan to do about them yet, but as soon as we are, we’ll let you know more.

The rest of the post explains how the team plans to organize and respond to player feedback faster and more efficiently. DICE and its partner studios will then tackle changes to the maps and gameplay, a project that will take some time.

We are committed to explaining our reasoning behind future decisions and how we will handle your feedback. We want you to have a clearer vision of what we aim to achieve and incorporate more of what we hear so that our work makes sense to you.“, can we read.

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