Battlefield 7 could well surprise you, towards a winning return?

The next episode of the Battlefield saga could make a big change according to new information from EA. This is what we can learn

EA and its studio Ripple Effect are currently working on a new Battlefield game, although the release date and official title have yet to be revealed. To make this next opus more authentic, EA seems to be taking things very seriously. Good news to move away a little from what has been done previously? It looks good. Explanations.

Battlefield appears to have a new direction

EA has therefore announced that it has hired two military veterans, which promises to improve the veracity of the combat experiences in the game. The next Battlefield game, as yet untitled, is being developed by the largest team in the series to date, with talent from four studios: DICE, Criterion, Motive and Ripple Effect. The participation of military veterans in the development is a notable initiative. Because it aims to integrate elements of military realism based on concrete experience. Which could mean a game more focused on simulation.

Of note, Madison Daugherty, one of the veterans hired, began her military career as a military police soldier before becoming a logistics officer and battalion operations officer. Assigned to the Third Infantry Division, she led a distribution platoon for 30 Blackhawk helicopters. After a three-month internship with the Battlefield team, she joined Ripple Effect as a product manager. Daugherty will provide a valuable perspective on military realism. Providing feedback and executive summaries on how to accurately represent military operations.

Battlefield 4.

An interesting experience

Aaron Johnson, the new Game Management Associate at Ripple Effect, is a former Green Beret and small unit tactics instructor. Johnson has been deployed to various locations, from Afghanistan to Japan. Where he led assault forces and trained soldiers in combat techniques. His enthusiasm for game development is palpable, having said he wants to be part of the Battlefield team as much as he wants to be a Green Beret. His experience should enrich the development of the game. By providing in-depth knowledge of tactics and military operations.

Finally, integrating military veterans into video game development is an innovative approach. Which could transform the way war experiences are represented in games. Their expertise ensures that storylines, tactics, and character behaviors will be more authentic. Which could offer players increased immersion and a deeper respect for the realities of combat.

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