Bayonetta 3 loses her voice

The change of voice actor of a main character within a series of video games may seem trivial, but it would be to forget the attachment of an entire public to an iconic voice. An element so fundamental that it draws the contours of a protagonist as much as his character design or the writing of his psychology. Remember the change between David Hayter and Kiefer Sutherland in the case of Metal Gear Solid V which had generated fiery debates as the Internet knows how to create them. Obviously, the risk of outcry is lower with regard to Bayonetta because of the relative youth of the saga and the low number of episodes it displays. Here is nevertheless a turning point, on which stumbled Game Infomer during an interview conducted with PlatinumGames. If Hellena Taylor had hinted more than a year ago that it was possible that she would not return to the role, the situation is now fixed, in particular because of “several combinations of circumstances” according to game director Yusuke Miyata.

To take up the torch, Platinum Games has chosen Jennifer Hale, a great dubbing figure, present in animation and video games since the 90s. If it would take too long to list all her appearances, but among the most recent , there are Ashe in Overwatch 2, Queen Odina in Return to Monkey Island or Commander Shepard in Mass Effect. In short, an easily recognizable voice despite everything, with a timbre quite close to that of Hellena Taylor, which should facilitate the transition. To make the bridge with the series Metal Gear, know that it is also to Hale that we owe the vocal interpretation of Naomi Hunter. On the other hand, no change in the Japanese version, Atsuko Tanaka retaining her role.

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