Bayonetta 3: Nintendo is not responsible for censorship according to Hideki Kamiya

One of the features shown in the recent trailer for Bayonetta 3 surprised players with an option to censor partial nudity. Following fan speculation, franchise creator and producer Hideki Kamiya has spoken out to quell rumors of Nintendo being too strict.

Cover this Bayonetta that I can’t see

To everyone’s delight, Bayonetta 3 recently gave some news by presenting gameplay and some elements of its scenario. Platinum Games’ Beat’em all also unveiled a mode to censor the witch’s partial nudity with the “Naive Angel” mode. Basically, this option will be deactivated and it will be up to you to activate it to potentially avoid some embarrassing family situations. Since the choice is given to us and it is not even imposed on the face of it, this case could have ended here, but it obviously does not.

Since this announcement, many theories and speculations have pointed the finger at Nintendo who would have imposed this directive on the Japanese studio. According to the creator of the series (which is rarely in the language of wood), Hideki Kamiya, that’s not the case at all. According his messages posted on twitterNintendo has never intervened in this sense except once for Link’s costume which was initially more modest, a shame.

Here is the message of the interested party (translated into English by Nintendo Everything):

“I see a lot of people talking about Nintendo when discussing nudity in Bayonetta, but during our discussions for the Bayonetta 1, Bayonetta 2 and Bayonetta 3 port, the only suggestion we received was for Link’s costume in Bayonetta. 1 and 2, and how it should have been a little more revealing. No bias influenced this aspect of the game, and I think players can enjoy the game without worrying about what might have been. Like Iwacchi (Editor’s note: affectionate name given to the late Satoru Iwata) mentioned it, Nintendo isn’t just a giant company with red tape around every corner, and after working with them for so long, I feel like even though there are times when we might be a bit of a fool, they’re surprisingly open to direct development and sales discussions.

We can indeed believe in his words given that Nintendo has surprisingly let go of censorship since the beginnings of the Switch, while the firm had until then a reputation as a screw driver that still sticks to its skin today. . Unlike Sony, which does not hesitate to censor certain Japanese games that are a little too daring.

Bayonetta 3 will be available on Nintendo Switch on October 28th.

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