Be careful with these cat kibbles sold throughout France (contaminated with salmonella)

A reference of cat food marketed for several months now has just been massively recalled throughout France. Indeed, they present a risk of toxic infections for our little furballs.

In 2022, nearly 15 million domestic cats have been recorded by the Statista Institute in France, ranking the country as the second in Europe to have a maximum number of felines in homes. A figure which suggests that there are therefore many cat owners and therefore the consumption of kibble for these little balls of hair even more! However, this new recall procedure published this Monday, June 3, 2024 will not please all pet owners, especially cats.

This is unfortunately not the first time that cat food has been the subject of a massive recall in France and this time it is for a very specific reason: salmonella contamination. A bacteria that is mainly found in the digestive tract of humans, but also of animals and which causes what is called salmonellosis, a toxic infection at the origin of many food-related illnesses. So what is this reference concerned and what is the procedure to follow? We tell you everything!

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Product recall: this reference of kibble should no longer be consumed

According to the product recall sheet published on the official Rappel Conso website this Monday, June 3, 2024, these cat kibbles sold in 1.5 kg packages are marketed under the name CARREFOUR EXPERT + Sterilized cat — Rich in chicken, in the pet sections of all supermarkets and hypermarkets of the Carrefour brand. A recall procedure which concerns a particular batch, C2312150053 with the barcode 3560070926787 whose minimum durability date is set at 12/15/2024.

Put on shelves since 12/22/2023 and withdrawn on 05/31/2024, these kibbles were sold in all Carrefour stores throughout France, which is why it is all the more important to pay particular attention to packets of kibble recently purchased for your pet. If the brand voluntarily withdrew these references from the market, it was because of the detection of the presence of Salmonella in the product.

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What is the instruction ?

Salmonella is the agent responsible for the disease salmonellosis as indicated in the recall sheet in the risks incurred by the consumer: “Foodborne illnesses caused by salmonella result in gastrointestinal disorders, often accompanied by fever within 6 to 72 hours following consumption of contaminated products.“. “It is therefore recommended that people who have these products belonging to the lot described above not serve them to animals and destroy them.», Indicates the letter sent by Carrefour. The official sheet on the Rappel Conso website adds that the product can be returned to the point of sale and that a refund can be claimed.

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If your animal has consumed this product and shows symptoms within 72 hours of ingestion, it is then recommended to go to a veterinarian and inform them of the product concerned. For all other questions, the brand has made a contact number available to consumers at 0 805 900 023 from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. until the end of the recall procedure set for Wednesday July 31 2024.

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