be careful, your payslip will change on July 1st!

As of July 1, a new section will appear on your payslip. We explain to you.

The payslip is changing! As of July 1st, the presentation of your payslip will change with the appearance of a new section entitled “net corporate amount”. A section that will now be OBLIGATORY on payslips for private and public employees. In concrete terms, this amount corresponds to the net income after deduction of all compulsory social contributions. It is calculated taking into account all income paid and contributions to be deducted. A novelty introduced following the decree of January 31, 2023 amending that of February 25, 2016, published in Official newspaper of February 7, as reported Le Figaro.

By making this change, the government wants to better inform employees on the resources taken into account for the calculation of their rights to certain social benefits such as the activity bonus, the RSA, housing aid or family allowances. But it also aims to simplify certain information and delete unnecessary information. Clear, facilitate employees’ access to public aid schemes by simplifying the resources to be declared.

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Simplification of the payslip

This new heading should make it possible toavoid errors in resource declarations since the recipients will no longer have to calculate the income “net” to declare to social organizations. From 2024, employers will also be obliged to declare to the organizations the “net corporate amountof all their employees, as is already the case for the “net taxable amount”. Starting next year, by recording their “net corporate amount” on the site mesdroitssociaux.gouv, employees will be able to find out if they are entitled to certain aids, bonuses or allowances.

From next July 1, pay slips will be subject to other changes since they will be simplified. Labels will be more visible and hierarchical on the payslip. Compulsory social contributions and contributionsdeducted from the gross remuneration to calculate the “net corporate amount”, will be isolated from other contributions to optional plans. Finally, the payslip will display certain benefits, reimbursements or deductions allowing employees to better understand the net amount they receive. Finally, mentions that have no effect on the rights of employees will be deleted as the total amount of contribution relief paid by employers. So don’t be surprised to see your payslips change next month.

Pauline likes deciphering current events as much as telling the latest stories of your favorite people. When she’s not scrutinizing the lives of stars, she spends time…

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