Be careful, your property tax could still increase sharply next year

The automatic revaluation of the cadastral bases and the increase in the communal rate voted by the municipalities could well cause your property tax to soar in 2023. A cap on this future increase is under study.

Dear owners, get ready: the property tax could undergo a strong increase next year. According The Parisianthe revaluation of the cadastral bases, recalculated each year in November according to inflation, increase of 3.4% in 2022. And it could be much worse in 2023, up to 7%. A situation that could increase the property tax, the housing tax on secondary residences and the tax for the removal of household waste.

But that is without taking into account the intervention of the government which could cap this revaluation. Last June, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, said he was studying this option without any amount having been decided to date.

Towards a cap on cadastral revaluation?

This increase would have a significant impact on the purchasing power of a very large number of French people. But at the same time, the costs of local authorities will increase, so it is not silly that their revenues too. We could imagine a kind of property tax cap of 3.5%. Then, each local authority, according to its needs, would be free to increase its rate, as is already the case today, explains deputy Jean-Ren Cazeneuve, who could table an amendment to the finance bill. which must be presented Monday in the Council of Ministers.

In reality, the government returns responsibility to local elected officials. If elected officials decide to significantly increase the property tax, it will be their fault and the people will resent their mayor. The government has a lot of backs for wanting to cap the revaluation of the bases at 3.5%. It’s a trompe-l’il!, denounces the mayor of a city of 100,000 inhabitants.

Find the lowest rate for your real estate project!

For 2022, the property tax has already soared in several large cities with +16.6% Marseille, +15.4% Tours or even +12.6% Strasbourg.

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