beaten to death in front of her little daughter, the trial of Yasmina’s spouse begins

This Wednesday, March 24, 2021 opens the trial of Ludovic L. before the assizes in Paris. Two years after the murder of his partner Yasmina.

The trial of Ludovic L. opens on March 24, 2021 before the Assize Court of Paris. The man is being prosecuted for the murder of his companion Yasmina, mother of their little girl, two years after the facts, reports The Parisian. During his custody, Ludovic L. had mentioned “a quarrel” with Yasmina following the call of his mistress. In his confession he declared not to have controlled himself “so much [Yasmina l’] pissed off “. He then allegedly hit him in the face. And, according to him, Yasmina would have accidentally hit the corner of the bathtub while falling. Problem, for the medical examiner the lesions discovered on the victim can only be the result of “repeated blows”. Likewise, the blood spatter found in the bathroom demonstrated the extreme violence of the act. The investigators discovered that Ludovic, who had not called for help, had thought of contacting Yasmina’s boss, to warn him that his partner would not come to work the next day. And no less than four of Ludovic’s exes have portrayed a man “manipulator”, “charmer”, “liar” and prone to bouts of violence. Evidence that will weigh heavily during the hearings.

Yasmina’s body found in a trash can

It was on July 27, 2019, without news for a fortnight, that Noémie L. desperately tried to enter her sister’s Paris apartment. The latter Yasmina lived there with her husband Ludovic and their two-year-old daughter. The sister tried to reach Ludovic on several occasions. Without success. Panicked, she called the police, because Ludovic should be at home. At the time, the man wore an electronic bracelet, the result of “many criminal records”, Explain The Parisian. Also called the firefighters managed to get inside the home. In “a slight smell of rotting” Ludovic was present with his daughter, but Yasmina remained absent. The husband then explained that Yasmina was fine. Taking advantage of the presence of the police, the guardian of the building indicated that a trash container had disappeared. Based on this data, the investigators decided to search the cellars. And in room n ° 5, which belonged to Yasmina, they saw the trash container in question. Inside, the police found a garbage bag with Yasmina’s body inside, in an advanced state of decomposition. After investigation, the authorities learned that Ludovic had stored the corpse in their room for 5 to 8 days. The father and daughter thus lived in the living room while Yasmina’s body decomposed in the next room.

Shocked neighbors

“We regret not having seen anything”, launches a neighbor to the Parisian. “I have rarely known such a nice tenant. He was incredibly sweet, says another woman from the residence. He held the door and often gave a hand. ” These testimonies clearly show that in the conjugal camera, the situation is not the same. And sleepy monsters in the public square can rule their homes. Yasmina lived under the insults and the beatings after investigations. Tragic side of this story, it was thanks to Yasmina that Ludovic was released from prison and placed under an electronic bracelet, three weeks before the tragedy.

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Celine Peschard

Journalist who loves the versatility that his profession can offer. Specialized in the historical field, societal subjects and auteur films, against a background of electronic music. University course based on …