“Beating the far right at the polls must be combined with the emergence of profound change”

NOTWe, unions and associations, have decided to act together in all territories to beat the far right during the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, and to take together concrete measures of solidarity, equality and justice. We call for the mobilization of all.

The victory of the extreme right would have the same dramatic consequences as those we have seen where they have governed or are governing. In the United States of Trump, in Russia of Putin, Hungary of Orban, Argentina of Milei, Poland of PiS, Italy of Meloni, freedom is trampled, rights have been violated, public services and social policies strangled.

In all these countries, violence and hatred of others have replaced the values ​​of equality, solidarity and fraternity. We must do everything to prevent this from happening to us. Certainly, the defeat of the extreme right will not be enough to guarantee the implementation of public policies responding to inequalities, injustices, and the social and environmental emergency. But his victory would radically compromise the prospect.

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The decline in rights, the regression in freedoms that we have witnessed in recent years, the political choices turning their back on social progress, the mistreatment of the precarious, the abandonment of public services, the contempt for large-scale social movements, such as fight against pension reform, constitute the breeding ground on which the far right has prospered.

The necessary disruptive alternatives

Defeating the far right at the polls and combating its racist project must be combined with the emergence of profound change, social and ecological ruptures and the effectiveness of rights. It is therefore crucial that everyone finds in the electoral exercise an extension of common mobilizations and aspirations. A response from all political forces considering that rights are the same for everyone is essential.

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We, unions and associations, will be demanding so that the responses we provide have weight today and tomorrow in effective social and civil dialogue. In the society we want, freedom, equality, democracy, solidarity and the rule of law are not empty words but the very principles which organize our common life, our common future.

On these bases, faced with the proponents of hatred, racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, LGBTQI+ phobia, social regression, and the destruction of life: disruptive alternatives are necessary. Together, we call for citizen mobilization.

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