Beautiful but dangerous: You should uproot this plant species immediately

Most gardens are in full bloom by the end of April at the latest. In order to recognize the differences among all the plants and flowers, you have to look very closely. Because at first glance, the small, delicate flowers with a yellow center and white petals are reminiscent of the native chamomile plants or daisies. In fact, it is about the dangerous annual fleabane.

By the way, if you are not sure which plant it is, we recommend this app, with which you can not only identify useful plants or weeds in your own garden, but also indoor plants and exotic plants from all over the world.

That’s why she’s so dangerous

Annual fleabane is dangerous and should be removed.

Getty Images

The annual fleabane, also known as white fleabane, fine ray or fine ray fleabane, is a neophyte from North America, i.e. a invasive plant specieswhich was introduced in the 18th century.

Due to the local growth conditions, the so-called “Erigeron annuus” can multiply disproportionately and crowd out other plant species, some of which are threatened. The weed can be his over 50,000 seeds by means of their umbrellas spread for miles. In addition, it is not eaten by the domestic livestock, which means that whole areas of weed can develop and become a problem for agriculture.

Therefore, you should use the annual fleabane as soon as possible and including the roots remove from their garden and then in residual waste dispose of it, as it can still spread on the compost, for example.

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