Beauty Hero: This body scrub is sold every 40 seconds

Beauty hero
This body scrub is sold every 40 seconds – and rightly so!

This body scrub is sold every 40 seconds.

© popcorner / Shutterstock

Is peeling unnecessary? Is not it! This is not only proven by these sales figures, but also by photos. We’ll tell you why the peeling is so popular.

A body peeling that not only makes the skin supple, but also really works against scars, stretch marks and the like? There is no such thing. Or is it? If we can believe the current pictures on Instagram, then this miracle product really does exist. And by the way, the numbers speak for themselves: Because it should be sold every 40 seconds.

We’re talking about the popular Original Coffee Scrub from the Australian brand Frank Body. It consists of natural ingredients: Robusta coffee, vitamin E, sea salt and cold-pressed almond oil. A short list of ingredients, but one that has a big impact.

With the peeling you can not only rid your skin of dead skin cells, but also provide your skin with a top-class beauty cocktail. Vitamin E protects against free radicals, while almond oil is full of antioxidants, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Sea salt provides the peeling effect and coffee stimulates blood circulation. According to “Dailymail” the wonder weapon should be sold every 40 seconds. ?

What does the peeling do?

But the peeling doesn’t only sound good on paper, there are actually photos on Instagram that prove the effect of the actually not so spectacular product. Because here numerous users post before-and-after photos of their problem areas. These include scars, acne, pimple marks and stretch marks. Problems that almost all of us have to struggle with.

What shall we say The photos are just amazing. No wonder the scrub is sold so often. Of course, the peeling is not a miracle cure, but it does help the skin to regenerate and renew itself. This applies to both the body and the face. However, you should note: the older the scars, the harder it is to get rid of them. You should therefore exfoliate regularly – especially if you suddenly notice stretch marks or dark discoloration on your face. Even after and during pregnancy, peelings are a great option!

Coffee peels

By the way: You can get Frank Body peelings in Germany without any problems – from Sephora, asos or Galeria Kaufhof. Of course, there are also other products that have similar ingredients and work in a similar way, for example the Glow Coco Glow Body Scrub from Hello Body or the BEAN BODY Coffee Scrub. Alternatively, you can simply do a peeling yourself.
