Beauty resolutions for 2024: This is what the editorial team is doing differently in the new year

Beauty resolutions for 2024
The editorial team is doing this differently in the new year

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The last rocket has barely ignited on New Year’s Eve when we have already decided on our ambitious New Year’s resolutions. Less sugar, more exercise are some classics that are passionately neglected by February at the latest. Our editors will tell you why beauty resolutions are easy to implement and can have a big impact. The following applies here: Nothing has to, but a lot can!

Beauty resolution: More time for spa moments

In the stress of everyday life, one thing is known to get lost most quickly: taking time for yourself. And by that I don’t mean time to finish reading a book, but time to come to terms with yourself. How often do I plan to apply a mask in the evening, do my nails or go to the sauna and yet I don’t do any of it. Next year I would like to mark my calendar with small spa dates that are limited to an hour in which I can take care of myself and my body. Because if you feel good in your own body, that also radiates outwards.
Ilka, fashion and beauty editor

Beauty resolution: show perseverance

I love consistency – just not in my beauty routine. I like to switch and try out the 1001 new products in the beauty heaven. The consequence: (rightly) irritated skin, a disturbed skin barrier and lots of small pimples. One thing is certain for me next year: I will stay true to my current care routine, use the products tailored to my skin type, vary only minimally and resist the countless new products. Hopefully the result will not only be visible on my skin, but also in my wallet.
Jessica, fashion and beauty editor

Beauty resolution: Master the art of eyeshadow

A light ivory tone meets a darker brown on the outside. This is my secret formula for easy everyday looks! Yes, the task also needs to be learned. Sometimes things have to be done quickly in the morning – the transition between the different nuances doesn’t quite fit as I would like. I don’t even have to start with party looks! Black eyeshadow? My personal final opponent! In the new year I not only want to get a really good set of brushes, but I also want to learn how to use the different models and blend the colors to create a look that is guaranteed to be an eye-catcher.

Linda, fashion and beauty editor

Beauty resolution: eyebrow care

I keep finding myself failing to make time for my eyebrows because everyday tasks take more priority than time for myself. I’m talking about plucking my eyebrows and coloring them every two weeks the brows. It just looks nice and is less stressful when we get up in the morning, get out of bed, go to the bathroom, look in the mirror and see that (almost) everything is perfect! In the coming new year, I want to change that and do something good for myself every Sunday. Even if it’s only half an hour, it’s a relaxing moment to pluck the newly grown hairs and then color them naturally with a colorant.

Michelle, fashion and beauty intern

Beauty resolution: double cleansing

Even though I’m a huge fan of skincare content, I still have to admit that on some nights laziness wins. After long and stressful days or after a night of partying, I often half-heartedly resort to make-up remover wipes. However, since I notice every time how much my skin thanks me when I take the time to clean it properly and consistently remove all make-up residue, I have decided to really go through with it in 2024: first an oil-based washing gel for make-up removal and then a water-based washing gel. This means that subsequent creams and serums can be absorbed much better. My plan to combat my laziness to remove makeup: simply stop buying wipes so I have no other choice!

Anna, fashion and beauty working student


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