Beauty sleep: our favorite beauty ritual |

Sleeping Beauty did everything right: slept a hundred years and not aged a bit. It's just a fairy tale, our author knows, but the power of beauty sleep should not be underestimated.

Rosy skin, healthy hair, a fresh complexion? Just overnight? At first, the principle of beauty sleep sounded like a bad joke to me. Especially when you think about how you usually wake up in the morning: puffy eyes, drool at the corner of your mouth and pillow prints across your cheek. The bad news is therefore that the "good-in-sleep principle" should not be taken quite so literally. And unfortunately it doesn't work without lifting a finger. But the good news is, sleep can actually get the most out of a minimal amount of effort. And there we are pricked up again.

Small difference, double effect

Let's start with the skin. In the deep sleep phase, the cells divide up to ten times faster and the active ingredients of creams and serums can work better and therefore achieve a greater effect than during the day. This is why it is particularly beneficial to apply your moisturizing or anti-aging creams before going to bed so that you can get the most out of your skin overnight.

Nightly hair repairs

Often enough, an expert will advise you to apply a hair mask at least once a week. Hand on heart, who really does it? Far too seldom do you have the time and muse to linger in the bathtub for half an hour until the mask has taken effect and our brittle hair is supplied with sufficient moisture. Beauty ritual or not, often it just cannot be reconciled with the appointment calendar. The solution: it has to happen in your sleep. Special overnight treatments and masks give the hair a real moisture boost overnight. Just put the mask in your hair before going to sleep and wake up after eight hours of slumber with a great shine. Or: If you know that there is no time to wash your hair the next morning, you can apply dry shampoo in the evening so that the sebum is absorbed overnight and you wake up the next morning with fresh hair and extra volume. A one-of-a-kind solution!

eyes shut and go for it

Eye pads ensure alert and fresh eyes. Admittedly they look a bit crazy. But nobody said that you had to walk around the house with them during the day. They provide the thin skin under the eyes much better with nutrients and moisture while we are slumbering, so that you wake up in the morning without swelling. It only gets funny when the pads land on the forehead at some point due to all the nightly to and fro rolling. Well, maybe it will help against stress lines.