Beauty tips: This is how your make-up stays on even on hot days

Beauty tips for the heat wave
So your make-up stays in place even on hot days

© Tim Robberts/Getty Images

The summer we’ve been waiting for all winter is finally here. As nice as it is, our makeup looks aren’t quite as easy to reconcile with the heat. We’ll tell you a few tips and tricks on how your make-up is guaranteed to last in the sun.

Sweaty skin, shiny make-up and smeared mascara – well, who does that sound familiar? Going for heavy and opaque makeup in summer is not a good idea and definitely won’t last long. Alternatives and tips can be found here.

Making make-up last in summer: the right preparation

The right routine begins with skin care and preparation. After a cleanse has removed unnecessary dirt and excess oil, skin should be treated with a water-based moisturizer – on warm days you may need a little less than normal as skin will work on its own in the sun. The most important step in the care routine is an adequate sun protection factor. We recommend choosing an oil-free one so that it doesn’t feel heavy on the skin right from the start.

Choose the right base

The first important tip is to wait until the moisturizer and sunscreen are properly absorbed into the skin. Instead of heavy make-up and covering foundation, it is helpful to use a tinted day cream or a light CC cream, for example. However, if you need more coverage on some days, you should also make sure that the foundation is water-based. Once this is worked into the skin, you can use a fine and light powder to go over areas that get oily quickly – this includes the forehead, the area around the nose and the chin.

Touch-up for in between

To keep the look fresh and even throughout the day, you need a few tricks, but they are very easy to implement. Pack a make-up sponge in your bag, with which you can repeatedly work the foundation into the skin. You’ll have an even base again in no time at all.

Another helpful utensil are blotting papers. To remove excess oil or sweat from your face while you’re on the go and not having to constantly reapply powder, simply dab one of the blotting papers on the appropriate area and the look is like new again.


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