Because of Russia and China: USA considers increasing its nuclear weapons arsenal

Because of Russia and China
USA considers increasing its nuclear weapons arsenal

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The US no longer wants to rely on arms restrictions. Because Russia, China and North Korea are expanding their nuclear arsenals, the United States must now think about increasing its capabilities, says a top White House adviser.

In view of the lack of cooperation from countries such as Russia and North Korea, the US government wants to pursue a more competitive nuclear weapons strategy in the future and has not ruled out increasing its capabilities. “Without a change in the course that Russia, China and North Korea have taken, the United States must continue to adapt its posture and capabilities to ensure its ability to deter and achieve other goals in the future,” said Pranay Vaddi of the National Security Council of the White House in Washington. We know that the behavior of the USA’s opponents can only be influenced to a limited extent by setting a good example.

“Russia, China and North Korea are expanding and diversifying their nuclear arsenals at a rapid pace and show little or no interest in arms control,” warned Vaddi. These three countries and Iran are increasingly cooperating in a way that is contrary to peace and stability, exacerbates regional tensions and threatens the US and its partners. The US is focusing on a “better approach,” which does not necessarily mean a “more approach,” said Vaddi. This requires creative solutions. However, if developments with regard to the opponent’s arsenals do not change, the US could “reach a point in the coming years where an increase in the current deployment numbers is necessary,” he warned.

“Nuclear competition without numerical restrictions”

“If that moment comes, it will be a result of the realization that more nuclear weapons are needed to deter our adversaries and protect the American people, our allies and partners,” Vaddi said. But it will not be a “simplistic calculation” that “more for them means more for us.” Russia and China are failing to meet their international obligations with their “complete refusal” to even discuss arms control. “In practical terms, they are forcing the United States and our close allies and partners to prepare for a world in which nuclear competition takes place without numerical limitations.”

The US government had offered Russia and China talks on nuclear arms control “without preconditions”. Instead of waiting until all bilateral differences had been resolved, they were ready to start talks so that no new conflicts arose, said Biden’s security adviser Jake Sullivan at the time. In February 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the last major agreement on nuclear arms control, the “New Start” treaty with the USA, to be suspended. This limits the nuclear arsenals of both countries and regulates inspections. He received sharp criticism in the West for this. On Friday, Putin said that Russia was not considering a nuclear strike in the conflict with the West over Ukraine.

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