Because of the low-cost airline, the start of vacation becomes a nightmare for a Hamburg couple

With Mirjam (26) and Jonas (24, names changed on request) the anticipation was huge. The young couple had booked ten days on the Greek island of Corfu – all inclusive, for 1250 euros per person – through the tour operator Dertour.

On Monday at 4 a.m. the world is still fine for the people of Hamburg. The check-in for the luggage is quite quick, they also get through the security check – they are at the gate around 5 a.m.

But when the passengers are already looking forward to boarding, the disillusionment: An airport employee announces that the plane has not yet arrived. Big eyes everywhere, many pick up the phone immediately. So does Jonah. “I called the Marabu hotline, but they couldn’t help me and referred us to the on-site staff. But no one from Marabu was there,” Jonas remembers.

Hour after hour goes by. Mirjam and Jonas eventually have enough. You accept the tour operator’s offer to fly on a Eurowings flight the next day. “We left the security area at 1 p.m. Only then we had to get our suitcases back.”

Chaos at Hamburg Airport: “We didn’t get any help from Marabu”

The next hurdle. Again and again there are phone calls back and forth at the luggage counter. When it becomes clear that the suitcases were not loaded onto the plane because none were available, the end is in sight. “We left the airport at 4:45 p.m. totally exhausted and exhausted,” says Jonas.

The fact that the couple has a day less vacation does not annoy him so much. But: “We didn’t get any help from Marabu. Nobody on the hotline knew. The staff at the airport was very nice and gave us a meal voucher – but eight euros won’t get you far over 13 hours either.”

Why the case of Jonas and Mirjam is by no means an isolated case and more about the chaotic conditions at Marabu read at

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