Become boss of your ex-colleagues: the 5 strategies to impose yourself without demotivating them

OUR ADVICES – Have you been promoted? Three coaches give you the keys to effortlessly slip into the chef’s shoes.

Having just been appointed head of your department, you are not sure what attitude to adopt towards your former colleagues. You spoke to them as equals and shared their concerns. Overnight, you have to put on a completely different costume. Not so easy. This prospect also deters some people from seeking this type of promotion.

Two pitfalls await you. The first ? Wanting to pretend that nothing has changed. No one will be fooled. The second ? Become, for fear of not knowing how to assert your authority otherwise, a “small boss”, brittle, authoritarian. In short, a leader who demotivates and drives away his collaborators. Quite the opposite of a good manager!

The transition is sometimes all the more difficult as some colleagues have sometimes applied for the same position as you. You may have to deal with resentment, in addition perhaps to your own feelings of guilt. But you are neither the first nor the last to experience this situation. Coaches interviewed by Le Figaro have solutions to help you impose yourself smoothly.

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