Bedbugs: why is Russia suspected of having fueled French paranoia? : Current Woman Le MAG

They measure between 4 and 7 millimeters and worry most people… For more than a month, not a day goes by without bedbugs making headlines in France. Despite the tips that exist to get rid of them, from natural products to the services of specialized companies, the psychosis surrounding these little creatures persists. Is Russia to blame? Monday October 23, 2023, on the set ofApolline Morning on RMCjournalist Nicolas Poincaré revealed: At the highest levels of the French army, we are now convinced that the Russians fueled the fear of bedbugs which suddenly gripped the French last month. Russian services flooded social networks with false information on the subject.” Latest example, a false newspaper article The mountain. In it, we can indeed read that it is because of the sanctions against Russia that France is invaded by bedbugs. And for good reason, “Russian chemicals would be needed to make disinfectant and since we no longer authorize the importation of these products, we lack the means to destroy the bedbugs.” However, all of this would actually be false.

Nicolas Poincaré: “We are talking about operation ‘Doppel Ganger’”

The newspaper Release was also hijacked “on Russian channels, in this case initially on a Telegram account linked to RT, Russia Today, a media outlet linked to the Kremlin.” Nicolas Poincaré clarified that it was a real front page of the magazine, but accompanied by a false article claiming that Ukrainian refugees were at the origin of the phenomenon in France. “We talk about operation ‘Doppel Ganger’. Which means, translated from German, ‘double’ or ‘double’. It consists of imitating credible media to pass off invented information as true, said the journalist. A few months earlier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, had denounced the use of these methods by the Russians. In complete transparency, Nicolas Poincaré indicated: “There has actually been a steady increase in the presence of these pests in the country for around twenty years. What is new is the excitement first caused on social networksby a testimony statinga sting at the cinema. This testimony sparked hundreds, then thousands more.” There “Collective panic” in France is it therefore legitimate? Saturday October 7, 2023, in the columns of the newspaper The Dispatchpsychiatrist Antoine Pelissolo, from CHU Henri-Mondor, in Créteil, was reassuring. “There is a small effect of collective panic, or even people who do not have bedbugs worry about having them, sometimes with a slightly obsessive side”he indicated.

>>> Click here to discover Nicolas Poincaré’s intervention on RMC

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