Before the EU summit: Scholz: We must not lose control over migration

Before the EU summit
Scholz: We must not lose control over migration

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The EU’s external borders need more protection and countries must be actively asked to take back rejected asylum seekers from Germany, says the Chancellor. The ambassadors and ministers must also be held responsible for this.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz is urging that the number of people entering Germany irregularly be limited. It is important “that we maintain control of it and do not lose it,” said Scholz in the Bundestag in a government statement about the upcoming EU summit. Above all, it must be ensured that the external borders of the European Union are better protected and that rejected asylum seekers are then deported.

In this context, the Chancellor praised the agreement of the EU states to reform the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). This provides for asylum checks at the EU’s external borders and also returns from there for some of those seeking protection. He is confident that an agreement will now be reached with the European Parliament and that the regulations will soon come into force. Germany will support the countries in the south with implementation. It is important that people arriving are registered immediately.

Scholz also warned all cabinet members and ambassadors that other countries should be asked to take back rejected asylum seekers. The federal government is currently negotiating six repatriation agreements, and more will be added, Scholz said. “I also asked that German diplomats and German ministers always address the issue.” One must ask other countries to take back the people who are to be repatriated from Germany. In return, they offer the legal immigration of workers to Germany.

Merz wants to put restrictions on immigration back into law

Opposition leader Friedrich Merz had previously tied the CDU/CSU parliamentary group’s cooperation to reducing illegal immigration to Germany to conditions. “We are ready to take a common path with the coalition,” said the CDU chairman. “However, this presupposes that the coalition is prepared to address our key points.” For example, the limitation of the immigration of foreigners must be reintroduced as a legal purpose in the right of residence, which the traffic light was deleted in the last change. This will be a test of whether the coalition is serious about controlling and limiting immigration. If that happens, “we would be happy to discuss many more details.”

European heads of state and government will meet in Brussels on October 26th and 27th. On the agenda so far are Ukraine, migration policy, the EU financial framework until 2027 and economic issues. The situation after the terrorist attack on Israel by the radical Islamic Hamas is also likely to concern the EU summit participants.

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