Before the start of the European Championship – the handball family is prepared for the “switch”

Fabian Posch moved from Salzburg to be Austria’s player of the year in 2019. Young father is facing the fifth major event.

The annual home visit for Christmas was canceled this time. Fabian Posch, Salzburg’s figurehead in handball, fulfilled his father’s wish with the birth of his daughter in November. “That’s why my mother came to see us in Tribuswinkel this year!” The 34-year-old who was almost 34 years old and won the handball player of the year 2019 in Austria via UHC Salzburg (until 2006) in the dress of double winner UHK Krems didn’t have much time for the family . On December 27th, he moved to Südstadt for a team course, now Posch is looking forward to his fifth major event with Austria in January in Slovakia. “The short journey to Bratislava is cheap, so I will use every opportunity to see the family!” Otherwise, every player is instructed to minimize external contacts – Corona sends “regards” … “It is clear that the number of major events will not skyrocket ”, the end of the career is not far away. The Posch family is prepared for the time“ after ”. Ms. Petra, who until recently was a handball player herself, is studying medicine and is completing her final year of training at the Baden hospital. Fabian already has a bachelor’s degree in corporate management, starting his professional life is only a matter of time, and returning to Salzburg is not an issue. “Apart from my parents, I no longer have any real reference points there. The closest friends are in Vienna and Germany! “
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