Behavior Interactive prepares an offline mode for Islands of Insight

Available since February 13, Islands of Insight presents itself as a huge shared-world puzzle game. And if the numerous puzzles to solve in the game appealed to the players, the vast majority of them regretted the obligatory multiplayer dimension of the title.

With a view to offering a more flexible gaming experience, Lunarch Studios and Behavior Interactive have just announced the development of an offline mode for Islands of Insight. A decision that will allow all players to enjoy the title at their own pace without having to worry about the progress of others.

However, you will have to be somewhat patient before seeing this new functionality arrive, which is not so easy to develop in a game designed to encourage social interactions. According to the teams working on it, offline mode should however see the light of day in the coming months.

And for those who want to get a first look at the game before diving in, Behavior has a free demo available on the Steam page. Island of Insight.

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