Behind these friendly emoticons can hide a nasty malware

Louise Jean

August 16, 2022 at 12:20 p.m.


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In a chain of emojis can now hide a feata code that will penetrate a target and allow hackers to take control of it.

This new method was unveiled by cybersecurity researchers at the DEFCON conference in Las Vegas last weekend.

A chain of malicious emojis

The emoji chain hack works on the same principle as a classic hack: a vulnerability is detected in the targeted device or software, the hacker finds a feat, or code that allows him to exploit this flaw. This code usually contains numbers and letters. But now it can also be made of emojis.

A series of emojis could contain a feat which will undermine a vulnerable device, according to researchers Hadrien Barral and Georges-Axel Jaloyan. Of course, this possibility is due to a major condition: the receiving device must be able to read the emojis sent, which is not the case for all (at least, for the moment).

Discourage hackers, improve our security systems

If this method is therefore not yet really functional, why are we talking about it? Well, because cybersecurity research seeks to get ahead of hackers. Indeed, if we can manage to predict the future methods of exploiting computer vulnerabilities, we can better protect ourselves against these attacks, or even block them completely. The goal is therefore to inform defenders of computer systems of the existence of this possibility, and to encourage the updating of security barriers.

It is also about sending a message to ill-intentioned hackers in order to discourage them: we know your methods, we are ready to counter them. Visit Github for more information on the technical details of the research conducted.

Source : Vice

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