Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics: who are the French to follow?

From February 4 to 20, 2022, the Winter Olympics will take place in Beijing. French athletes will try to win as many medals as possible during the competition and do better than the 15 charms won at the Sochi Olympics in 2014, then in Pyeongchang four years ago. Closer invites you to find out what our best chances of medals are among the 88 Tricolores in the running.

Alexis Pinturault (Alpine Skiing)

He will try to get the only title that is still missing from his list. 2021 World Cup Winner Big Globe Winner, Alexis Pinturault will have four chances to come back with a gold medal from these OJ : the super-G (February 8), the combined (February 10), the giant (February 13) and the slalom (February 16). He had already flirted with the supreme title in his two previous Games, winning three medals (silver in combined in 2018, bronze in giant in 2014 and 2018). But after disappointing results this year, the skier does not arrive in China with full confidence. He is counting on this prestigious competition to revive himself but will have to face competition from many rivals, even within the tricolor clan, with Mathieu Faivre, world champion in the giant, and Clément Noël in the slalom.

Quentin Fillon Maillet (Biathlon)

Has Martin Fourcade found his worthy successor? The biathlon legend has now retired, but France can still hope to bring back many medals in this discipline in Beijing, especially since the chances are multiple with 11 events on the program. And to take the whole team, we hope to see a great Quentin Fillon Maillet, revelation of this biathlon season. Since the start of winter, the 29-year-old from the Jura has accumulated five victories on the clock (four in pursuit) and leads the overall World Cup standings. But Quentin Fillon Maillet is not the only one who can claim to win medals. At his side, we will find Émilien Jacquelin, dolphin of his compatriot, as well as Simon Desthieux, who could also have his say.

Perrine Laffont (Mogul Skiing)

This is one of the greatest chances of a medal for the France team. Perrine Laffont is reigning Olympic champion and world champion in mogul skiing. And her start to the season reinforced her status as the favorite in her discipline as she scored six podiums, including three victories. His test at the Olympics is scheduled for February 6, which could make the Ariégoise the first to offer a medal to the French delegation in Beijing.

Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron (Figure Skating)

They have only one goal in mind: Olympic gold. Any other metal color would be a disappointment to them. Olympic vice-champions in 2018, Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron are also four-time world champions and five-time European champions. And despite a break of more than a year and a half due to the coronavirus pandemic, the two skaters came back stronger than ever by winning three competitions in as many appearances as soon as they returned to the ice.

Tessa Worley (Alpine Skiing) and Kevin Rolland (Freestyle Skiing)

We will also keep an eye on our two standard bearers, Tessa Worley and Kevin Rolland. The first, double world champion, is in very good shape in giant slalom with three podiums, including a victory, in January. At 32, she will try to get her first medal at the Olympic Games. For Kevin Rolland, it’s almost a resurrection. The half-pipe ski specialist suffered a serious injury and three days of coma in 2019 after a terrible fall of more than ten meters while skiing, while trying to break a height record. After a sabbatical year, he returned to competition in January 2021. Even if the title seems difficult to obtain for him, an achievement is always possible, he who is still a triple gold medalist at the X Games (2010, 2011, 2016), world champion in 2009, or bronze medalist in Sochi in 2014.


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© Zuma Press

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Beijing Olympics 2022
France presents itself with 88 athletes

© Gepa

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Alexis Pinturault (alpine skiing)
Alexis Pinturault will try to get the only title that is still missing from his list

© Gepa

4/12 –

Alexis Pinturault (alpine skiing)
Winner of the big globe of World Cup winner in 2021, Alexis Pinturault will have four chances to return with a gold medal from these Olympics

© DeFodi

5/12 –

Quentin Fillon Maillet (Biathlon)
Quentin Fillon Maillet is the revelation of this biathlon season.

© DeFodi

6/12 –

Quentin Fillon Maillet (Biathlon)
Since the start of winter, the 29-year-old from the Jura has accumulated five victories on the clock (four in pursuit) and leads the general classification of the World Cup.

© Romain Doucélin

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Perrine Laffont (mogul skiing)
Perrine Laffont is Olympic champion and reigning world champion in mogul skiing.

© Romain Doucélin

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Perrine Laffont (mogul skiing)
And her start to the season reinforced her status as the favorite in her discipline as she scored six podiums, including three victories.

© JB Autissier

9/12 –

Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron (Figure Skating)
Olympic vice-champions in 2018, Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron are also quadruple world champions and five-time European champions

© JB Autissier

10/12 –

Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron (Figure Skating)
And despite a break of more than a year and a half due to the coronavirus pandemic, the two skaters came back stronger than ever by winning three competitions in as many appearances as soon as they returned to the ice.

© Gepa

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Tessa Worley (Alpine Skiing)
Tessa Worley, flag bearer and double world champion, is in great shape in giant slalom with three podiums, including a victory, in January

© Claudia Albuquerque

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Kevin Rolland (freestyle skiing)
Kevin Rolland triple gold medalist at the X Games (2010, 2011, 2016), world champion in 2009, and bronze medalist in Sochi in 2014.

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