Bella Hadid: Model reports back after a social media break

Bella Hadid
Model reports back after a social media break

Model Bella Hadid has found herself and her spirituality.

© Ga Fullner /

Bella Hadid is back from her social media break. Could the model be struggling with mental health problems?

It has been quiet on Bella Hadid's (24) Instagram profile for the past 17 days. The model, who usually provides its 40 million followers with new pictures and videos every day, had made herself rare. Now it reported back – albeit a bit cryptic.

Did the model have to get help?

"I took some time out to reflect and learn about myself in a way that would be too much to explain at the moment," said Hadid on Friday (January 22nd). The results of her time off: "Pure wisdom, a closer relationship with myself and my spirituality, a feeling of self-love that I have always lacked." The model wrote that it has found its strength and light again and that it is "here to be an instrument of peace and love".

Accompanying her words, Hadid published photos of gemstones, pictures that show them during leisure activities, and a graphic showing several angels. The 23-year-old's words: "Thank you to my angels, who supported me and continue to love me. They saved me." Finally, well-intentioned advice to her followers followed. "Take the time to seek help on your mental health. It is well worth it to reach your full potential."
