Ben Zucker: Singer is back with his ex

ben sugar
Singer is back with his ex

Ben Zucker is known for hits like “What a great time”.

© imago/BOBO

After the turbulent breakup, Ben Zucker and Suzann Jetzkus have found each other again. The singer confirmed this in an interview.

Ben Zucker is not only celebrating his 40th birthday today (August 4), but also his renewed happiness in love. After an Instagram post had already fueled the rumor mill in May, the hit star now confirms the speculation in an interview: He and ex-girlfriend Suzann Jetzkus, 36, are a couple again!

“Love is the reason I get up in the morning”

In the Interview with the “image” Zucker now confirms the love comeback. Because when asked about his current song “Stadt für uns meines” in which Zucker sings about letting himself drift with his favorite person, the pop star reveals: “My favorite person, with whom I like to drift through the city, is my girlfriend. ” And the 40-year-old also celebrates his birthday with her and his family: “I will celebrate at home with my family and close friends. I don’t know any more myself, because I was strictly forbidden to take care of my birthday party – so I let myself be surprised.” So all Zucker has to do on his birthday today is get up and enjoy the day. The singer always has a reason for this, because, as the hit star further reveals, love is the reason “why I get up in the morning”.

Breakup because of the music

Zucker and Jetzkus had been in a relationship since 2020 and even wanted to get married before the separation followed in October 2021. In the “Naturally Carbonated” podcast last year, Zucker admitted that different future plans had led to the couple’s love-off. Jetzkus would have aimed at a music career again at the age of 35, but Zucker didn’t want to have a woman by his side “who makes music”. Then, in May of this year, a joint photo of the ex-couple, which sugar on his Instagram profile posted, the rumor mill about a possible love comeback – and apparently not unfounded.

Meanwhile, Zucker and Jetzkus not only seem to have put their differences aside, but are also planning a future together – with children. As Zucker revealed to the tabloid, he could not rule out becoming a father again. “It happens when it’s supposed to happen and I’m looking forward to it,” said the hit star, who already has a daughter from a previous relationship.


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