Bendy and the Dark Revival: PlayStation and Xbox release date and videos for the horror game in an animation studio

Joey Drew Studios already released in 2017 Bendy and the Ink MachineA survival horror independent that immersed us in the abandoned corridors of a fictional animation studio, with its share of disturbing characters. A sequel was released on PC last November, and it will soon land on home consoles.

Joey Drew Studios And Rooster Teeth Games indeed announce that Bendy and the Dark Revival release date set for March 1, 2023 on PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. The title plunges us once again into the skin ofAudrey, which explores the dark recesses of an animation studio. You will have to face enemies, solve puzzles and escape the Ink Demon to find the real world. A small trailer is to be discovered above, as is a sequence of gameplay just here :

Waiting to find out Bendy and the Dark Revival on the consoles of sony And Microsoft at the very beginning of next month, you can find cards NHP on Amazon.

Writer – Tester

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