Benedict XVI: Emeritus Pope visits sick brother in Bavaria

The emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. has surprisingly traveled to Germany at the age of 93. As can be seen from a report by the German Bishops' Conference, they are very pleased about Joseph Ratzinger's home visit. "Although the occasion is a sad one," the chairman, Bishop Dr. Georg Bätzing (59), quoted in it. Benedikt's brother, Georg Ratzinger (96), is therefore ill. His health is said to have deteriorated.

"The necessary rest"

"The retired Pope wants to be close to his brother, Apostolic Protonotar Dr. Georg Ratzinger," the statement continues. We wish the 93-year-old "the necessary rest to take care of his brother privately".

From April 2005 to February 2013, Joseph Ratzinger was the head of the Roman Catholic Church. He voluntarily resigned from the office of Bishop of Rome given his advanced age. At that time he explained that he could no longer carry out the Peter service "in an appropriate manner".