better informed labor inspectors

The number of fatal workplace accidents reported by labor inspection officers increased by 39% between the first four months of 2023 and 2024, but this would paradoxically be good news, reflecting a better information of inspectors by employers. From January to April, 157 deaths were reported via SuiT, the information system of the General Directorate of Labor (DGT), compared to 113 over the same period in 2023, according to a document that The world was able to consult.

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Should we expect a further increase in the number of workplace deaths this year? Simon Picou, national secretary of the CGT for labor inspection, wonders: “We see a lot of dramatic cases, as well as an acceleration of pace in construction to complete a certain number of works before the Olympic Games, but this is insufficient to explain this increase. »

In reality, this internal count differs from that of the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM), which is authoritative even if it only concerns employees of the general system: in 2022, 738 of them lost their lives in the work according to the CNAM, while only 331 fatal accidents were reported to inspectors. “Our figure does not have a statistical aim like the CNAM, it is just data for piloting the action of inspectorsexplains Pierre Ramain, general director of labor. These reports allow us to have a more precise vision of the content of accidents, to then be able to strengthen prevention measures. »

A faintness

In the event of a fatal accident, an investigation must theoretically be carried out by inspectors, and a report drawn up. But the gendarmerie or the police, often the first to alert the inspection, do not always do so when the victim dies from illness. However, it is the cause of around half of fatal accidents. “There is a problem with information from inspectors, confirms Gérald Le Corre, labor inspector in Normandy and CGT activist. Colleagues don’t have the time to make observations about discomfort. »

The increase in this internal figure – already observed in 2023 – would therefore reflect better information for inspectors. The DGT sees the effects of a decree of June 2023 which requires employers to inform the inspectorate within twelve hours when an employee is the victim of a fatal accident. “Road illnesses and deaths seem to happen more easily to inspectors”Pierre Ramain is satisfied.

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