between Macron and Le Pen, the gap is widening

Yannick Vely


Nine dots. This is the new gap between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen in our Ifop-Fiducial real-time presidential poll.

It is still too early to write that the match is over, that Emmanuel Macron will certainly be re-elected when the specter of massive abstention and a debate between the two rounds looms in front of him, during which he will have to defend its record against Marine Le Pen. But the outgoing president is the clear favourite. This Monday, he further accentuates his lead in our real-time Ifop-Fiducial presidential poll for Paris Match, LCI and Sud Radio, to count nine points ahead of his rival from the National Rally (54.5% – 45.5%). His meeting on Saturday in Marseille apparently bore fruit, unless it was above all Marine Le Pen who missed his start to the campaign between the two rounds, especially on international issues.

Presidential poll: lessons from the in-between rounds before Wednesday’s debate

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Macron is making progress among the voters of his first-round opponents

In detail, we also observe a better transfer of votes on the candidacy of Emmanuel Macron. Thus, among the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round, they are now 37% to declare themselves ready to vote for him (+4 compared to Friday) – but Marine Le Pen is also progressing, from 18 to 23% . We record the same movement among the voters of Yannick Jadot (58%, +5 compared to Friday), Valérie Pécresse (44%, +4) and even Eric Zemmour (11%, +2), as if resentment had made room for reason. More than nine out of ten French people surveyed (92%) say they are sure of their choice on Monday.

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