Beverly Hills Cop 4 (Netflix): Eddie Murphy freewheeling in a brand new trailer

Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F.

© Netflix

After Stranger Things, Avatar: The Last Airbenderor Spy KidsNetflix continues to pull on the nostalgia rope with Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F..

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Eddie Murphy returns in the main role of the cult franchise, and has clearly not mellowed, as shown by the brand new trailer for the film expected on July 3 on the streaming platform.



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Return to Beverly Hills

Thirty years after his last cinematic adventure, Axel Foley returns to the streets of Beverly Hills for a most personal mission: to save the life of his daughter. To do this, he will have to team up with new partners… but also find his old friends Billy Rosewood and John Taggart.

  • Watch the new trailer for Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. :

The success of the reboot of Bad Boys ($426 million collected at the worldwide box office) proved it, a saga is never really dead! And Netflix intends to ride the lucrative wave of nostalgia by resurrecting one of the emblematic franchises of the 80s and 90s: Beverly Hills Cop.

This new film is written by Will Beall (Aquaman), Tom Gormican (Ghosted) and Kevin Etten (A talent made of solid gold), and directed by commercials director Mark Molloy.

Not enough to jump to the ceiling then, for what promises to be a very commercial production. We will certainly wait to see the final result to judge, but the trailer promises a rather conventional action comedy.

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This new opus sees the return of the original actors.

This new opus sees the return of the original actors.

© Netflix

Fans may be happy to find Murphy, Paul Reiser, Judge Reinhold and John Ashton in their original roles, as well as the cult music of Harold Faltermeyer. The cast is completed by Kevin Bacon (The World After Us), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Looper) and Taylor Paige (The Blues of Ma Rainey).

As a reminder, the first film released in 1984 was a huge success, earning $316 million for a small budget of $15 million, propelling Eddie Murphy into the upper echelons. The comedian, best known at the time for his caustic stand-ups, had then become an essential star. Although they did not experience the same overwhelming success, the sequels released in 1987 and 1994 still earned $276 and $119 million worldwide, respectively.

The Beverly Hills Cop film trilogy.

The film trilogy Beverly Hills Cop.

©Paramount Pictures

The film Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. will be available on Netflix on July 3, 2024. In addition to the trailer, a new poster has also been revealed:

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. arrives July 3 on Netflix.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. arrives July 3 on Netflix.

© Netflix



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