Beware of these signs, reputed to be the most treacherous of the zodiac

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Some astrological signs will be more likely to lie, deceive trust, or even betray, than others… We tell you which ones.

All the astrological signs do not have the same character. Each has its qualities and its defects. Among the most common faults is infidelity. Unfaithful signs betray (almost) without a problem. There are several ways to betray. This ranges from betrayal in friendship to betrayal in love: from revealing a secret to deception and then to the break-up of the couple. Either way, betrayal damages trust between individuals. But that doesn’t stop certain astrological signs. Some can’t help themselves or are more likely to think about betrayal than others.

Indeed, some signs of the zodiac wheel are unable to betray. We obviously think of Scorpio. The latter does not support betrayal and does not forgive it. He himself is unable to do so: he is extremely faithful. The same goes for Taurus, very loyal. When you give him your trust, you can rest assured: he will never reveal your secrets. Better, he will always defend you. Leo is also very loyal: he is the king of the zodiac and he deserves your trust. Other signs, out of ambition or egocentrism, tend to betray more easily. But beware, this is not automatic.

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These star signs are the most treacherous

  • Gemini : this air sign is one of the most “treacherous” of the zodiac. Indeed, he is not known for his stability and ability to keep secrets. Gemini can betray but without realizing it: he talks a lot and socializes with everyone. He can sometimes lose track of what to say and what not to say. On the other hand, when he loves a person, he will be faithful to this relationship and fight for it.
  • The balance. The sign of hesitation and compromise par excellence. But when you make too many compromises, it’s not easy to stay “faithful” to an idea or a person. She is ready to do anything to avoid conflict, even to betray her word.
  • Aquarius. This sign is a free thinker and will always follow their advice. He may betray you if he thinks he is betraying himself by not doing so.
  • Aries : very determined, Aries can be faithful. But since he does everything to achieve his goals and desires, he can betray two or three people along the way.

As a reminder, this analysis is based solely on the Sun sign. However, to understand a personality as a whole, it would be necessary to analyze the birth chart as a whole.

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