beware this scam la carte vitale

While the CPF account scam is still rife, the authorities are now warning against a vital card scam.

After the countless CPF account scams, here is the vital card scam. Back in fashion for several weeks, it is now the second most widespread scam in Francealways behind that of the false email the summons for child pornography, observes Jrme Notin, director general of the platform, in this article of the Parisian.

The phenomenon is such that the Health Insurance published, at the beginning of April, caution against fraudulent telephone calls and against the sending of fraudulent emails and SMS. For example, during a telephone call presenting itself as coming from Health Insurance, the sender of the call will leave a message on your answering machine asking you to call your CPAM at a number other than 3646. Its purpose is to make you to call a heavily surcharged number with the aim of extracting money from you indirectly. Under no circumstances should you proceed with it.

A two-step scam

But beware: another vital card scam is to avoid. The Parisian cites the example of Laure, a scam of 1200 euros because of this scam in two stages. First, an SMS referring to a fake site for a vital card renewal. After giving his information, the site asks him to pay for the sending of his new card, for an amount of 0.99 euro.

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This is where the trap closes. Armed with Laure’s personal information and her bank card numbers, a man contacts her. pretending to be a banker of the fraud prevention service. Explaining to Laure that she has been hacked, the scammer, under cover of help, finally manages to steal 1,200 euros from her before she notices the deception. For Laure, it’s a double penalty, since her bank, Crédit Agricole, refuses to reimburse her, claiming negligence on her part.

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Distrust, therefore, if you receive an SMS for a renewal of vital card. The Health Insurance reminds that by telephone or email, the Health Insurance will never ask you for your tax number or your login credentials. In some cases, to secure calls, health insurance advisers may ask for part of the bank details (RIB) but they will never ask for all of them and never for a password, even a temporary one.

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