Bezos and other billionaires invest 3 billion in cellular rejuvenation

Benoit Thery

January 27, 2022 at 1:33 p.m.


Jeff Bezos © AFP/Archives

© AFP/Archives

In addition to space, figures like Jeff Bezos also intend to defy death. Partly thanks to the businessman among the most popular in the world
, the very recent company specializing in cell rejuvenation, Altos Labs, has just announced an already established fundraising of 3 billion dollars.

We knew for a few months that the former CEO of Amazon was going to participate in the financing of Altos Labs. This fundraising campaign could be the largest ever for a biotechnology company, because it is only just beginning.

Many means, but few details

Indeed, according to a press release published last week, the 3 billion dollars were collected from the first day of the campaign. However, the exact amount of Jeff Bezos’ participation is unknown. This is all the more true since another super-billionaire is also participating: Yuri Milner, who established his fortune by financing Facebook.

Additionally, Altos Labs will work with Calico Labs, a death-defying subsidiary of Google founded by Google co-founder Larry Page. For its part, Altos Labs will open laboratories in the San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego and Cambridge, all while collaborating with Japanese scientists.

The company has some of the top health experts in its ranks. It thus identifies former executives of recognized companies, or from the national cancer institute. But while these workers have many Nobel Prize winners, the details of the company’s work remain unclear. What exactly will these people, some of whom have been noted for their stem cell work, do? Hard to say.

Source: Popular Mechanics

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