Biden calls on US lawmakers to publicly speak out against anti-Semitism

President Joe Biden on Friday (December 2nd) called on American politicians to publicly denounce anti-Semitism, shortly after Donald Trump received a Holocaust denier at his home in Florida, and rapper Kanye West who a few days later made the apology of Adolf Hitler.

Rather than giving it a platform, our politicians should publicly denounce anti-Semitism wherever it is found.Mr. Biden tweeted, adding: “The Holocaust did happen. Hitler was an evil person“.

SEE ALSO – Kanye West: “Every human being has brought something of value, especially Hitler”, he declares on the set of the show of American conspirator Alex Jones

Mr Trump, a former Republican president and 2024 presidential candidate, confirmed he had dinner last week at Mar-a-Lago with Kanye West and a white supremacist, Nick Fuentes, known for questioning the reality of the Holocaust .

Kanye West, a rapper and entrepreneur increasingly isolated after a series of anti-Semitic remarks, went a little deeper on Thursday when confessing his admiration for Hitler and the Nazis during an interview with a conspiratorial American presenter. “i love hitler“Launched the star several times, triggering a deluge of condemnations on social networks. His Twitter account was immediately suspended.

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