Biden pushes for ceasefire in Gaza in Eid message

“Too many innocent people have been killed, including thousands of children. Families have fled their homes and seen their communities destroyed. Their pain is immense,” Biden wrote in a statement released on the occasion of the holiday. sacrifice, the largest in the Muslim calendar, also called Eid el-Kebir, which commemorates the sacrifice that God demanded from Abraham by demanding the life of his son, who was ultimately spared.

“I firmly believe that Israel’s three-phase ceasefire proposal to Hamas, supported by the UN Security Council, is the best way to end the violence in Gaza and ultimately to stop the war,” added the Democratic president.

American efforts to “defend the rights of other Muslim communities”

Joe Biden announced on May 31 a plan which provides, in a first phase, a six-week ceasefire accompanied by an Israeli withdrawal from densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip, the release of certain hostages and the release of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel.

The United States is pressing Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, in power in Gaza since 2007, to formally accept the project, approved by the UN Security Council last week.

In his message, the American number one also highlighted American efforts aimed at “defending the rights of other Muslim communities”, “facing persecution” such as the Rohingyas in Burma or the Uighurs in China.

“My government is developing a national strategy to confront Islamophobia”

He also declared “working to achieve a peaceful resolution of the terrible conflict in Sudan”, which has seen the regular army oppose a paramilitary group since April 2023. Domestically, Biden has also committed to repressing Islamophobia. Muslim Americans represent a key electoral community for the Democrat, who hopes to be returned to the White House in November against his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump.

“My administration is developing a national strategy to address Islamophobia and similar forms of bias and discrimination that affect not only Muslims but also Arabs, Sikhs and South Asian Americans,” Joe announced. Biden.

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