Big bosses in the pillory to be overwhelmed by digital

The big bosses of the Cac40, who in most cases knew neither the internet nor mobile telephony when they started, take little stock of the economic upheavals and the contemporary impatience of consumers.

Have they failed so far with their company or their shareholders, nothing is less certain.

They are however, because of their astronomical salaries for ordinary mortals, who have become an easy target for any commentator in search of an interesting subject to get their teeth into.

This so many superlatives have replaced measured and temperate French.

Case after case tainting large groups or big bosses, it is time to question the starting points that play into these thinly veiled settling of accounts.

After EDF, Société Générale or whoever else, most companies are worried or even sullied by articles written often in a hurry or even better, dictated and paid for by competitors.

What is the reason for this debauchery of information which often is not?

Soaring energy prices and the war in Ukraine

The war in ukraine will have shaken up the market economy to the point of putting the big bosses under pressure.

The cost of energy or the shortage of supplies of raw materials have upset the lines to the point that extraordinary inflation risks affecting the old continent.

The incumbent banking or energy players have only their monopolies to defend them against innovative and avant-garde companies which come to sow chaos on prices, such as online banks which have taken the operators in place in their area by surprise. of long-established comfort.

The big bosses, often born without internet or mobile phones, did not realize the extent or the speed at which this change was taking place in consumption habits.

Low cost journalism

Following the downward curve of low cost and truth at full speed initiated by social networks and their hazardous shortcuts, it would seem that journalistic “Trumpism” has taken hold of our hexagon and a way of writing like of certain journalists or swordsmen to choose from.

Indeed, in taking a closer look at journalism today, sweeping accusations have replaced real investigative work.

Journalistic reality TV, made up of grandiloquent declarations or rapid sequences of declarations cut during editing, abuses the credulity of spectators who, for lack of time, feed on partial and unverifiable information.

Responsibility when writing for the general public

The responsibility of those who write them and the evil that results from them is no longer even questioned.

The sources, the proofs, the facts have disappeared in favor of influences, acquaintances, truths with variable geometry according to the remunerations.

Wars, genocides or displacements of populations are still in progress all over the planet and we are interested in terrible futilities either because they sell or because they pay!

The weight of words has been replaced by the tribunal of the canvas, the measure no longer has sufficient measure whether it is violent, cliché or sensational.

Some interesting examples

oudea sg

Frederic Oudea who took up his post in 2008 with Société Générale saw a flood of accusations against him and his salary after the company’s stock plummeted on the stock market.

But in a competitive world, no company can see its title only climb! The market economy has its rules and this is one of them.

Obviously, there is no need to have done the éna to say that a share on the stock market falls due to a professional situation conducive to significant flows.

Is it a question of crucifying a man or seeing an economic activity that has experienced a revolution with the advent of online banking?

Here is an excerpt from one of those tweets about impunity or overpaid bosses.


“Impunity”, bluntly?

But what should he be punished for in short, and above all on the basis of an impartial tribunal or the poor opinion of journalists quick to shoot those above them to caress again and again those below?

Should he perish at the stake or be quartered because the title of Société Générale has plummeted in a banking world in full transition?

Or even on the boss of EDF who would be a goat as we can see written again on twitter.

Or by accusing the state of doing nothing for renewable energies when the deployment of the renovation bonus in 2021 has already cost several billion euros in energy renovation of housing in French households or in the tertiary sector.

Besides the plan France Recovery post covid gave pride of place to hydrogen and renewable energies in general.

There is of course no question of quoting a particular journalist but of extracting examples that could be found in thousands of statements that take all possible shortcuts.

Exactly the opposite of what you learn in journalism school.

Yet the lessons of the past, despite the duty of memory, have not been able to curb the mad descent into hell of contemporary journalism filled with approximations, accusations, and copy-pasted taken up on the web and rewritten in a social media sauce .

It would be time to clean up the discontinuous flow of information provided to the French, tossed about with blows of tweet incisive which are sometimes only simple verbal contests or worse settling scores in good and due form.

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