big free update for this huge box

A phenomenon game is about to receive a highly anticipated update. Expect even more fun in your games on Nintendo Switch! We explain all the details to you.

There Nintendo Switch is a paradise for “small” games. The hybrid console catalog is full of finds of all kinds. It must be said that its ambivalence makes it the ideal platform for modest productions, which aim to pass the time for small gaming sessions. It is therefore not surprising that, last year, it hosted the port of ‘a game that was a hit on mobile. However, the latter is preparing to welcome a highly anticipated update which will revitalize your games!

On Switch, the recipe for fruit salad can be written together

Last October, the Nintendo Switch welcomed Suika Game. A real phenomenon in Japan since 2021, what we call the “watermelon game” also enjoyed immediate success in France. The secret of his success? A cute design and simplistic game mechanics, at the crossroads of Tetris and 2048: collect the most points by combining odd fruits without them overflowing from their container.

During February’s Nintendo Direct, publisher Aladdin multiplayer mode locally on Suika Game. However, this mode is about to receive an update! Available tomorrow, Thursday May 23, it will allow you to play online multiplayer, provided you have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

© Aladdin

The game will benefit from new multiplayer features for even more fun games. THE three modes local multiplayer therefore opens up to online. As a reminder, this is the “Original” mode, which adapts the solo experience to several people. You can also count on the “Time Limit” mode, which imposes a timer on your game. “Attack” mode adds a dimension of direct confrontation with your opponents. You will be able to put them in difficulty by sending them fruit so that their game ends faster!

This update therefore enriches the “Multi-Player Mode Expansion Pack”. As a reminder, Suika Game is available for €2.99 on the Nintendo Switch e-shop. The multiplayer DLC is also sold for €2.25. The online update is free, but requires ownership of said DLC.

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