big leaks that will anger more than one

The Sims 5, the long-awaited sequel to the fourth opus, has just suffered a new leak which risks angering more than one person. For good reason, it concerns in particular a little appreciated technology.

The Sims 5 was announced in 2022, but since then, it’s been dead calm. While 4 continues to receive great additions, its sequel remains in the shadows. Fans’ concern is starting to be felt more and more, especially because of Maxis’ silence. This is not helped by the recent departure of Grant Rodiek, an emblematic figure of the franchise. So, where is the Rene Project? Well, we don’t really know, but a new leak has given us a glimpse of what’s to come. And there’s some bad news.

The Sims 5 could use DRM

Until now, we only knew that the title was going to be free-to-play (or free if you prefer). Other leaks had also reported that there will be apartments and online multiplayer. That’s pretty much all the information we had on The Sims 5, before the latest leak. The latter comes to us from a Reddit user known for sharing numerous cracked versions of various games. He would have managed to get his hands on a playtest of the new opus dating from 2022.

Our man explains that he obtained the mobile version of a playtest of the game, allowing us to find out more about him. This is where the problem lies, since he made an announcement that was far from encouraging. He states that The Sims 5 will make use of DRM, Denuvo’s controversial technology. This is supposed to make it more complicated to hack games, but at the cost of their in-game performance. Generally speaking, DRM is not viewed favorably, and if the fifth opus uses it, it risks making some people disappointed. To be continued.

There is still something positive in this story, since the user revealed two screenshots of The Sims 5. We can see the leaked apartments in 2022, but be careful. Indeed, given the date of the playtest, it has surely undergone numerous modifications. We must not believe that we are dealing with the finished result. In addition, the leaker’s information should be taken with a grain of salt, because we are not facing an official confirmation from the studio. In any case, it makes me want to see it resurface, but in the meantime, we’re going to return to The Sims 4.

One of the leaked images

So, when is it due?

For the moment, we really can’t give any indication as to the release date of The Sims 5. The only thing we can hope for is an announcement in 2024 which would reveal an arrival for 2025. Whatever in itself, last year, Lyndsay Pearson, the figurehead of the license, was very enthusiastic about talking about the game, going so far as to discuss a potential online mode. It was even more or less confirmed during an interview between Radio Times and Pearson.

We clearly want to introduce multiplayer. And not multiplayer in the “jump into a world full of strangers” sense. But rather, how do you and your friends want to play together? And it could take on lots of different aspects, so we’re exploring the many possibilities available to us.

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