Bigflo and Oli bring their mother on stage in the middle of a concert, the reason will break your heart: “Du Bruit pour la patronne”

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Looks… Louise Martin is a televore who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Best Pastry Chef… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks have no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race France. Little neck pleasure

During their last concert on Saturday June 8, the two rap brothers, Bigflo and Oli, took advantage of being in Toulouse, their city of origin, to pay tribute to their mother. Suffering from cancer, she joined them on stage for a particularly touching scene.

Bigflo and Oli bring their mother on stage in the middle of a concert, the reason will break your heart: “Du Bruit pour la patronne”

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This Saturday June 8, 2024, Bigflo and Oli were back in the pink city, the one where they lived, for an exceptional concert at the Stadium. Since the release of their first album, The big leagues, in 2015, the two brothers released three more albums and they have grown well. In this Toulouse stadium which can accommodate more than 30,000 spectators, they offered a memorable performance to their fans. They performed their most famous songs: Too bad, For a friend, Tomorrow And Dad. The brotherly duo performed on stage in a unique way.

HAS At the end of the show, which lasted about two and a half hours, an exceptional guest entered the stage. Patricia, the mother of the two judges of The Voice, appeared very touched, wearing a red floral dress. While she is fighting cancer, Bigflo and Oli did not hesitate to loudly express their support for the one who gave birth to them: “A thought for all those who struggle every day“. While their mother, too emotional, was unable to speak, Oli said: “For the boss, come on!” which led to a cheer sung by the entire Stadium. Moved by seeing his mother on stage, the eldest of the two brothers, Bigflo, did not manage to hold back his tears and finally collapsed in the arms of his mother who, in turn, let a few tears flow before kissing her son.

In 2022, the two brothers confided that they had been estranged for a long time from their authoritarian mother, who did not hesitate to punish them when they were undisciplined at school. In an interview published in Gala on October 20, Bigflo declared: “It was real samurai training. Coming out of this education, we could only ride on the world!“Flo explains that in 2019, he wanted to distance himself from his parents and told them that he no longer wanted to see them. A situation which finally calmed down. During the same interview, Patricia recognized the difficulty of being the mother of two celebrities: “It’s not easy being the mother of two rappers. We’re afraid that they’ll burn out, that fans will attack them… It’s still weird to see 40,000 people shouting your children’s names! We are obviously afraid that they will forget us.“A doubt that must be dispelled today!

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